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World's Leading Industry Corporation!

Chicks cage

Our momentous products will start with chakra chakra cage.

Baby chicks should be given proper feed and water to reflect their healthy growth. This will eradicate mortality, bird starvation, and divergent growth patterns. Uniformity of development will benefit the farmers to worry less about their baby chicks. From day 1 to the grower stage in the 8th week, a farmer is primarily concerned about mortality, bird starvation, and uniform growth. CHAKRA can help you these days with our chicks cage, which can very much control such challenges.

Importance of Reachability

A chick’s reachability to food and water will reduce mortality. Mortality is always a reason for chicks struggling for water and feed. It might not take too long for the little being to search for water, not finding them, and give up its life. This is too short for us to help them, but the remedy we can follow is being prepared. We should be prepared that this should not happen and present the chick with water always.

CHAKRA cages are such designed that water is a flawless supply to chicks. Never will a baby chick be deficient in water supply in CHAKRA chick cages. Very little attention is enough to save the bird.

Collar Feeder

The feed is the growth cause in a chick. A cage should necessitate the reach of a chick to feed. CHAKRA chicks cage collar feeders to a cage, which are efficiently attainable by chicks. Cages are also such designed that all the chicks in the cage can feed simultaneously. There is no need for chicks to wait for their turn to feed themselves.

The height of a feeder to a cage and a chick’s access to a feeder is carefully composed for the chick’s comfort. This feature allows uniform growth in all chicks in the chick stage of a hen. There is no question laid on the growth pattern in a chick when in a CHAKRA chick’s cage.

The comfort of the chick plays a major role in its growth and health. When a chick is comfortable with adequate water and enough food, there is no question of mortality.

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Our Chick Cage Design

The feet of a chick is very sensitive in this stage. CHAKRA cage bottom is such a design that a chick can lay its feet on the bottom without hurt by metal structure and without struck in the gaps. It is an often fact that when the cage bottom has been given less priority when designing, it will lead to discomfort of the chick in the cage. The feet of a chick should rest on the cage floor.

When the gaps are not calculated, the chick gets stuck on the floor and will panic. This is not a life-threatening issue, but in panic and combat to release itself, the chick will hurt itself, which will need special care thereafter. Such complications have already been studied at CHAKRA, and our designs have never encountered such issues.

Either a layer chick or a parent chick , the care is the same required. CHAKRA considers both the chicks are as important and allows equal comfort to both breeds respectively. CHAKRA CHICKS CAGE is a standard feature for bird’s ease and healthy growth.

We hope the chicks are loving your farm.

Planning Aid

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